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"12th" Coin in President Biden's Historic Moments Series, "Remembering Queen Elizabeth II", #37 COIN in series
Queen Elizabeth II, Gifts, Commemorative Gift,Honoring Queen Elizabeth II and Her Visits with U.S. Presidents
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The White House Gift Shop, Est. 1946 is honored to present our newest addition to the
Global Historic Moments of the American & Global Presidency Coin Collection

Coin #12
“Remembering Queen Elizabeth II"
From Truman to Biden, The Queen's Meetings With 13 U.S. Presidents

Coin #12 commemorates Queen Elizabeth II and her life’s work over the course of seven decades as Queen of England. Queen Elizabeth II defined an era and spent time with 13 sitting U.S. Presidents. Her earliest meeting was with President Harry Truman on Halloween in 1951 while she was then, Princess Elizabeth. Queen Elizabeth and Prince Philip stayed in many rooms of the White House over the years and took part in many types of activities including State Dinners, a visit to Arlington National Cemetery to lay a wreath at the Tomb of the Unknown Solider, an American college football game, the planting of a commemorative tree on the South Lawn of the White House, a visit to the English settlement of Jamestown, Virginia on the 400th anniversary, amongst many more. These moments are symbolic and were meant to preserve friendship and shared national values. Policymaking was rarely discussed and typically reserved for conversations between the President and British prime ministers. The Queen led with grace and an unwavering commitment to duty. Through many meetings with U.S. Presidents Queen Elizabeth II always strove to deepen the bedrock Alliance between the United States and the United Kingdom.

Queen Elizabeth's Meetings with U.S. Presidents

Harry S. Truman (1945-1953)

Dwight D. Eisenhower (1953-1961)

John F. Kennedy (1961-1963)

Richard Nixon (1969-1974)

Gerald Ford (1974-1977)

Jimmy Carter (1977-1981)

Ronald Reagan (1981-1989)

George H.W. Bush (1989-1993)

Bill Clinton (1993-2001)

George W. Bush (2001-2009)

Barack Obama (2009-2017)

Donald Trump (2017-2021)

Joe Biden (2021-Current)

Coin #12
“Remembering Queen Elizabeth II"
From Truman to Biden, The Queen's Meetings With U.S. Presidents

Each coin will have the following features:
*Limited Edition 2500
*Edge Numbering
*Certificate of Authenticity with Edition Number
*Velvet Presentation Case Includes Outer Two-Piece Box with Gold Presidential Seal

Anthony F. Giannini
Chief Designer Global Historic Moments of the American Presidency Collection

Military Certs: Intelligence Analysis, Adv. Aerial Imagery Analysis, Signal Systems Intelligence, HUMINT, Counterintelligence Agent (U.S. Army); Counter Electronic Warfare, Medical Intelligence, Aircrew Nuclear Survival (U.S. Air Force), Naval Infrastructure Protection, IED Task Force (U.S. Marine Corps), Counter IED Team Leader (UMI), Counter Human Trafficking in Children, Law of Intelligence (Judge Advocate General School of Law); DOD Risk Analysis, Antiterrorism Officer (Defense Security Service Academy)


The White House Gift Shop® holds all United States Patent and Trademark Office exclusive rights to its names and variants as well as provides unique works for former Presidents of the United States, U.S. Embassies, virtually all Departments of the U.S. Government, film and television studios, and importantly patriotic Americans and beloved friends of America. WHGS is the "only original official" White House Gift Shop® now permanently and privately endowed.

Thank you for your continued support of the White House Gift Shop, Est. 1946 by permanent memorandum of President Harry. S. Truman and Members of the United States Secret Service.

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